
Request Literature & Swatches

Interested in learning more about a Lesro product line, fabric or surface? Get access to detailed brochures for our seating options and even request fabric samples. The Lesro team is dedicated to offering you the most customized furniture options for your space.

To order Express upholstery swatches, see Request Swatches tab below:

To order non-express upholstery swatches, please visit the following vendors:

CF Stinson Swatches

Mayer Fabric Swatches

Momentum Fabric Swatches

General Information

Select Product Literature Brochures:

Select Upholstery Cards:

Woven Patterns

Vinyl Patterns

Polyurethane Patterns

Select Wood Finish Samples:

Select Laminate Samples:

Select Steel Finish Samples:

Select Solid Surface:

Required Fields*

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